About Jesper Theilgaard
There are many myths about the climate, and there are many different perceptions of what climate change and global warming are. This applies to both the scientific background, the consequences and the necessary measures to address the consequences.
With my background in communicating the weather for more than 40 years, I now see it as an important task of disseminating knowledge about the climate change currently under way. Because we have to act now in order to prevent climate change to create more chaos in the world than it already has.
I therefore offer lectures, conference talks and debate on climate change. In addition, I will write a blog on this webpage, where I will take up a current topic.
For good reason, I would like to mention that my basic attitude is that the scientific basis described by the IPCC – UN climate panel – is the closest we are right now to the truth. We do not know everything and models have their faults, but updated reports and articles will of course always currently move our knowledge.